Long Island Lifestyle Photographer - Hello Olivia Photography Days 48-49/366
Those days are just rolling by. Day 48 was a busy one for me. As soon as I got home from work, I had to make a quick trip again to Target. It seems like every single time I go there, I buy a whole bunch of stuff I don't need and (of Course) forget everything I do need, so I have to go back again - It's like a vicious circle!
Olivia is always game to go. She loves running up and down the aisles playing with anything she can get her hands on.
48 - Shredding the Guitar
Day 49 - So my guilty pleasure in this life is listening (loudly) to 80's New Wave music in the car. One song in particular, Olivia requests over and over (and over) again. She asked for it again tonight and I put on the video on youtube. (Do music videos even exist anymore?) Now she is SUPER obsessed. I'm not sure how many other 4 year old fans of Kyrie by Mr. Mister there are in this world, but I'm pretty sure Olivia is the biggest one.
49 - The Future MTV Generation