Long Island Family Photographer - Hello Olivia Photography Day 50-51/366
Day 50 - Yes....again with Target.
I know, I know. We seriously go to Target a lot. Possibly more than the normal person does, but it gets us out of the house and I generally do need to go there (other than to take photos when I run out of other ideas... I swear!).
So this is my real photo for the day:
I seriously love dynamic lighting - normally I always convert these to black and white, but I decided to try something different and go for color. Olivia was a good sport modeling for my ice light tonight. After we spent a minute taking the photo I let her use the light as it should be intended... as a light saber of course.
Day 51
Today we took a trip out to the Orient and Greenport -the east end of the North Fork of Long Island. People rave about Montauk and the Hamptons, but we are 100% North Shore peeps.
North Shore = Rocky Beaches
Today was a surprisingly mild day, so we took a trip to the beach in East Marion. Olivia was on the hunt for beach glass and scallop shells.
We stopped at a Local Farm in Peconic.
We stopped at a toy store/surf shop in Greenport and of all the things this kid could have wanted, she picked a turquoise blue Ukulele.
No trip out to Greenport is complete without a trip to the Carousel! I took about a 100 images of Liv on that carousel to try and get a panned image. This is about as good as it gets from me.
We really had an awesome day today! Hope everyone out there is enjoying their weekends too!!!!