30 Minutes in the Life - December: Festive Five!
Happy holidays friends! This months 30 minutes in the life is going to be a bit different than the usual 30 minute glimpse into our lives. Since December has a tendency of being CRAZY, our loop is going to shake things up and document our five festive favorites of the holiday season.
December for me is kind of a strange time. Since I didn’t celebrate the holidays as a child/young adult, so many of the usual Christmas traditions are completely lost on me…but I’m trying to get better with this.
One of the things we love looking forward to is the visit from the Middle Island Fire Department every year. The fire trucks are all decorated and literally BLAST the Beach Boys. On the back of the truck is a surfing santa that hands out candy to all the kids. OLIVIA as I’m sure you can imagine, thinks this is the greatest thing in the world.
2. Olivia’s holiday concert. My daughter is not shy when it comes to performing, so I was not surprised that she was in the center of the action. She and her class sang Mi Burrito Sabanero - a song about a boy with his little donkey traveling to Bethlehem to see the birth of Christ.
3. One of our own traditions is building a Trader Joes gingerbread house each year. This is the first time that Olivia made hers completely on her own. I won’t go into detail about the mess it made, but I’m still finding little sprinkles on the floor.
A couple from previous years….
4. Amelia’s first Christmas! We spent Christmas eve with my sister and Christmas day with her Grammy. Amelia wasn’t very interested in the gifts, but certainly enjoyed the tree ornaments!
5. No caption needed. Amelia was not very into some of the holiday displays we saw this season!!!
That sums up our holiday season! Be sure to follow along the loop and see what my friend Janet Crouch selected for her festive five by clicking here!