Hello Olivia Photography - Long Island Children Photography
When you shoot consecutively everyday for three years, you learn that your inspiration comes and goes in waves. There will be days, or weeks or even months where everything is inspiring - photos come easy and things just magically happen to make for stunning photographs.
And of course, there are THOSE times where the well runs dry, and you make the mistake of FORCING things. I make that mistake a lot. I try to force things when I'm missing that creative spark. I'm always so afraid that one day the spark will leave and never come back.
Luckily things like that don't happen, but I'm always fearful it could. I want to produce these great photos and it doesn't always work out.
The last few days in particular, I ended up hating everything I shot.
What do you do when inspiration doesn't strike, or worse yet - you have no desire? You just move on. Don't keep shooting. Don't force it.
One of the rules of my 365 is that I shoot everyday - and I do shoot everyday. But, I don't always show every photo. Certain photos are just not sharable or hey - I'll say it - They sucked that day.
It Happens.
So, yesterday was one of those days where nothing I shot worked. I was frustrated with my lens. I was frustrated that what I had in mind wasn't coming together. The day before was no better.
In those situations, I honestly think it's my minds way of saying I'm being to complacent. I need to try something new or change it up. The next day, I did just that and shot things things I'm happy with and excited to share with all of you.
The lesson for today - You can't always be on your A Game. Life happens. Don't beat yourself up over it and start fresh the next day. Happy Tuesday!