41-42/366 - Longwood Lifestyle Photographer
It dawned on me today that we'll need to sign Olivia up for Kindergarten next month. NEXT MONTH!!!! I'm slightly freaked out about it...how did my itty bitty baby get so big?
We talked about what Kindergarten is and that her school will be different than the one she goes to now for pre-k. I was afraid she's get upset, but if you take a gander at this face - she was unfazed.
In the Longwood School District, there are (I believe) three different Elementary schools she could be attending - Ridge, Yaphank or Coram. I believe we're zoned for Ridge Elementary while most of her friends are going to Coram. Hopefully the excitement of going to a big new school and riding on the school bus will be enough to make her not realize that a whole bunch of old friends will not be joining her on this new adventure.
Day 42 was a Target day.
I'm not sure how many people use their local Target as a concert hall/dress us/photography studio, but we sure do. It's one of those places where there are just a billion things to shoot. I'm well aware I look a little nutty with my gigantic camera shooting at Target - but that's how I roll. Plus Olivia doesn't really seem to mind. So, if you ever find yourself at the Medford Target and see this crazy lady shooting her cute kid up and down the aisles - feel free to say hi!