Days 35 & 36 - Long Island Lifestyle Photographer
Day 35:
Doing Homework with Daddy!
This is my husbands slow season so he's been picking Olivia up early from daycare to hang out with him at home (he says he gets lonely!). When I get home from work, I generally find them doing something together. Either cooking together, watching tv together, or in todays case - doing Olivia's workbook together. While they have their fair share of fallouts, these two are seriously attached at the hip.
Day 36:
The surprise snow storm. News 12 Long Island said there was going to be NO ACCUMULATION.
So imagine my surprise when I found out that no accumulation means over a foot of snow! Worse yet, it was the wet, heavy snow that is impossible to shovel without breaking your back! So, while Olivia played, her mother and father spent several hours clearing the driveway. Such fun!!! After we finished up, it was impossible to ignore the most AMAZING golden light filtering through the trees. It's the kind of light that makes a photographer weak in the knees. I ran inside and grabbed my camera. OH THE LIGHT!
The way it was glistening off the snow that was still gently falling - it was like heaven.
Once inside, Olivia was exhausted. She tries to fight naps as much as possible, but all the fun in the winter wonderland outside tuckered her out.
Someone is going to sleep well tonight. Sweet dreams little one.