30 Minutes in the Life - April Edition: A morning with Amelia!
I have a little less than one week left of maternity leave…
For this months 30 minutes in the life, there is really no other thing I want to document more than this fleeting time I have left with my baby. As I’ve said before, its kind of a mixed bag of emotions. I feel like I’m currently in this cocoon and I desperately want to get back to the real world - I love the hustle and bustle of office life. Yet on the flip side, I am going to miss this little one terribly.
Our mornings have become a familiar routine. It starts at 8am. Alexa goes off and Olivia gets herself ready on her own for school.
Amelia awakens a few minutes later and is all smiles and super snuggly. My favorite.
That happiness probably has something to do with her recent decision to nurse ALL NIGHT LONG. Since I cherish sleep above all else, we now co sleep to keep my sanity and keep her satisfied. If you can’t tell, Amelia is trilled with this new arrangement! Did I mention she is in the 100% percentile weight?! Now you know why…
Since the baby has yet to sleep in her room at night, a few squatters have moved in. Handsome has laid claim to the chair and my other cat B will occasionally be found in the crib. No surprise, when Olivia was a baby, these two did the exact same thing in her room too.
Thank God neither of my girls are allergic to cats!!
Speaking of Olivia, she has turned into a great help in the morning. She volunteers most days to get her sister diapered and dressed. Since I typically dress Amelia in neutral colors, she is constantly being mistaken for a boy when we’re out and about. Olivia hates when this happens and always opts for colorful outfits with tons of pinks. She wants the world to know Amelia is 100% girl.
Amelia dislikes pinks just as much as her mama!!!
After getting dressed and nursing (did I mention she loves to nurse and would just stay attached to me ALL DAY if she could?), she’s off to the play mat for a few minutes.
She can typically spend a good 10-15 minutes on her playmat (just enough time for me to make and drink an ENTIRE CUP OF HOT COFFEE!!!) She loves batting the toys and is fascinated when they move. While she still doesn’t love tummy time, she is getting better at it. She’s starting to lift herself for a few minutes at a time. I’m convinced that I’ll have a walker before a year with this one.
Once the baby is situated, it’s usually time to race my other child off to the bus. It’s amazing how independent she has become - and what a big help she is. She’s really getting good at this new big sister roll.
That pretty much sums up the first 30 minutes of our day! Thank you for stopping by! Please be sure to follow along the blog circle, and see what my amazingly talented friend Janet Crouch is up to this month by clicking HERE.
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