Back to School! - Hello Olivia Photography
I’m kinda glad summer is over. While I really do love the warm weather, Long Island autumns are WAY better. Plus, summer camp prices are legit OUT OF CONTROL… am I right???
Since we bailed on the first week of school to go to Disney, we sort of missed all the craziness that goes along with it - that influx of traffic, super grumpy kiddos, and people whining that the summer was too short, winter is coming etc.
Little Meals is close to NINE months and I can’t stand it. When I had Olivia, I felt like everything dragged. I was constantly waiting for each milestone to come. For this kid, they FLY by.
She’s cutting her two bottom teeth, thisclose to crawling and smiles up a storm. She loves people and loves attention. She calls everything “Baba” and loves to eat anything and everything.
Her major loves are the pacifier, her Sophie (teether) and playing with out cats. She is fascinated by Georges fluffy tail and will attempt to eat it anytime he is near. As such, Georgie avoids her like the plague. Our other two babies truthfully enjoy her and will share their toys. Occasionally Amelia will steal them and refuse to give them back.
Finally, to add to all this mess of my baby getting too big - OLIVIA TURNED EIGHT. I can’t.
Third grade bound, she is maturing and really just an all around kind, sweet little kiddo.