Week 1 Video for Make Films | Long Island Photographer - Hello Olivia Photography
While I'm still just winging this video thing, I'm seriously in love with it. I just finished up week 1 of Xanthe Berkeley's Make Films and It's freaking awesome.
My assignment this week is was to shoot a weekend story and I shot not one, but two (the second will be shared at some point, I'm sure).
I feel like I learn a bit more with each video and it's VERY exciting.
Our week was sadly dark, rainy and cold. Long Island at it's finest my friends!!! I almost feel like I am just biding my time until daylight savings is over and I can shoot in daylight again on weekdays.
This is always the hardest time of my 365. I'm constantly trying to recreate the wheel with low light or artificial light images. Thank goodness for the Ice Light. That baby has saved my 365 on more than one occasion.
Anyway - here is a look at our week!

Olivia with the black eye.... She thinks it's the COOLEST THING EVER. Me not so much. She ran headfirst into the bannister for the stairs like it didn't even exist. Of course I get a call from the school about it - and of course Olivia makes up a random story about how it actually happened. Those are ALWAYS fun phone calls.
Ironically, I think I might have done the same thing a time or two at her age!
That's pretty much all I got this week.