Olivia's Most Excellent Adventure - Long Island Photographer - Hello Olivia!
Soooooo, my kid went away camping with her dad for a few days. FOUR LONG DAYS to be exact! It's hard to see them go and have fun, but it's their super special bonding time that that both sincerely cherish.
They drove up to the Albany area and stayed at a campsite on Lake Sacandaga... where ever that is.
Unlike me, my husband took TWO cell phone shots of their ENTIRE trip. I guess it's two more than nothing! From what I've been told, it rained half the time, but they still had a ton of fun building fires, swimming in the lake and visiting our State Capital. They also went to a museum, but I have no idea what kind of museum it is because Olivia allegedly can't remember anything about it other than "It was really cool".
While my kid was gone, I took selfies to bide my time. Things obviously got really weird around here. Heaven help what my photography will turn into when my kid grows up!
Now jumping back to my kid again, she FINALLY came home Sunday. Just look at her! She looks like she grew a foot and grew three years right before my eyes. This growing up craziness needs to stop, because I just can't handle it.
She showed me all the things she purchased and got me a little necklace that she picked out somewhere in Albany. She was really excited to give it to me and when I put it on, she told me it was REALLY EXPENSIVE. When I asked her how much, she told me with all 10 fingers in the air that it was TEN DOLLARS. WHHHHHHAAAAATTTTT?
Please don't rob us.
So, after smothering my kid with a million hugs and kisses, I forced her to take a ride and shoot a roll of film and take a few with the regular camera too.
Then I forced her to take more at home.
Where's to another great week!