6-8/366 | Long Island Children's Photographer, Middle Island NY

I'm not sure if anyone lives out by me in the middle of nowhere, but there is this awesome gazebo in Ridge, NY that is all lit up for the holidays.  Even though it was about 8 degrees, we decided to do some night shooting.  It's not every day that I lug my lights out of the house, but I'm super happy I did. 

I tried to keep the light simple - one flash camera right at 1/4 power, with a 51" white PLM used as a shoot though.  Big props to my husband for making sure the stand + gear didn't blow away. 

The next day was something I've don't before, but never dared do inside (and VERY sure I will never do again).   Big massive amounts of fine glitter thrown inside is a VERY bad idea.  We'll find glitter every where for years to come. While I was attempting to clean said glitter, Olivia snuck upstairs and used that time to play in the bathroom.  Good thing she needed a bath to take all the glitter out of her hair/nose/arms/feet etc anyway. 

Today was a bit rough. I have a nasty head cold, so I only shot a quick couple of frames.  Olivia loves playing with my prism.  It's a great way to get her to see the light early.... :)