21-23 / 366 - Long Island Lifestyle Photographer
I think everyone on Long Island is preparing for the snow storm of the century this weekend. I had to stop at the supermarket and it was pure mayhem... Of course I had to add to the chaos by taking photos of it!
Day 21- Gotta get the coffee!!!
Friday, I was in the mood for some low light images.
Day 22 - Low light
I also had to work on my week 3 image for the Me project. This week, the theme was "Emotional Me".
And lastly day 23 was all about Snowmaggedeon 2016. The blizzard dumped about 24 inches of snow on the ground. We stayed mostly indoors since it was just too windy/cold/awful outside.
Day 23 - My poor cat had to deal with our cabin fever
Luckily the wind died down a little, so we were able to go outside for a few minutes. It was cold, but Olivia had a blast.